
“34th General Assembly Held May 11, 2014” By: Emiko Escovilla

By Admin


Last May 11, 2014 the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Inc. held its 34th Annual General Assembly at the PNJK-IS Gym with the theme “Cooperation and f
ull support from members geared towards the solidification of the Nikkei Community”. It was a half-day event where over two hundred Nikkei Jins from different chapters gathered to be apprised of the organization’s progress and achievement over the year 2013.

Reports from the different institutions under the umbrella of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Inc. were given by the competent officers responsible for each department. The reports covered the reading of last year’s minutes, the President’s report, as well as financial reports from the PNJK Inc., PNJK Polyclinic & Diagnostic Center, PNJK-IS Calinan, the Japan-Philippine Industry Council and the PNJK Cooperative.

After the reports, a plenary session was held wherein the attendees were allowed to air their concerns or inquiries. Several clarifications regarding the Mortuary Aid Program were made, leading to a vote on the motion of one of the attendees that spouses of Nikkei Jins, even if without Japanese blood, be allowed to participate in the said program. The motion was passed unanimously by the attendees.

The event was also graced by Masataka Ajiro, one of the institution’s foremost benefactors. He delivered a short message at the beginning of the program, laying out his expectations for the organization in the following years.