
” PNJK-IS, MKD and Federation Reports”by: Ret. Judge Antonina B. Escovilla”

By Admin

In behalf of Mrs. Mallari, in my capacity as PNJK-IS and MKD Chairman of the Board and as Secretary of the Federation,  allow me to give a summary of the events that took place in the past year in the three entities that are under the umbrella of PNJK Inc.

PNJK-International School for school year 2013-2014 had a student population of 1289 from kinder to high school.

PNJK-IS financial standing ending April 30, 2013 as audited and submitted to BIR is:

Revenue:                                                                         P32,730,889.40

Less Administrative Expenses:                                   32,138,86l.63

Excess Revenue over Expenses                                     P696,545.34

Let us go to our college the Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku.  The student population for year 2013-2014 has reached 356 composed of first and fourth year students.

For those who are not yet informed as to what are the courses offered kindly take note of the following: Bachelor of Science in International Studies, Bachelor of Science in Social Services, Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Math/Bio, Science and English, Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

The financial statement submitted and audited shows the following figures:

 Cash Flow Statement

Cash Receipt from students                                                  PHP 12,379,367.55

Cash paid to suppliers, teachers & employees                         (11,943,650.33)

Cash generated from operations                                                   435,717.22


Cash Receipt from Donors                                                           –

Rent Income                                                                                   –

Purchased of equipment, furniture & fixtures                        (466,562.00)

Interest Received                                                                                 7,693.86

Total                                                                                                 (458,868.14)


Net increase (decrease) in cash                                                (23,150.92)

Cash at beginning of period                                                          326,083.27

CASH AT END OF PERIOD                                 PHP                 302,932.35


As far as the Federation is concerned, this is what I can state here:

If you recall last General Assembly in 2013 there were officers from the different cities like Manila, Cebu and Iligan who attended the event. Of course with the number of attendees in the general assembly it is obvious that we have the biggest number of members compared with the other chapters.

The Federation under the leadership of our own member Mrs. Ines Mallari in coordination with the leadership of our chapter has been attending celebrations of Bonifacio Day and Rizal Day just to make the public aware of our existence.

Last January 16, 2014, we received an invitation coming from no less than the Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, His Excellency Amb. Toshinao Urabe to attend the New Year’s Celebration of Japan held in his residence in Makati.   He acknowledged our presence, as in fact we were introduced to other high ranking officials of Japan who were around during the celebration.

At this juncture, let me thank the members present who took time to attend the general assembly and we hope to see you in 2015 our 35th General Assembly.


Letter From the Federation President

By Admin

September 3, 2012
Our beloved Officers of the Federation
Thank you for your letter dated July 18, 2012 of which I received yesterday.

For  your information, on August 20 0f 2010, I have retired as Honorary Consul-General of Japan in Ceremony hosted by the Embassy of Japan at Baguio Country Club, ending my humble 3 terms, totaling 15 years of service to the Government of Japan.

Early in September of that the sane year, I felt severe chest pains and was rushed to the Cardinal Santos Hospital in San Juan City, MM. The Angiogram result showed that my heart’s arteries had multiple blocks. I was given 3 options, to undergo multiple heart by-pass, angioplasty or not to undergo any procedure at all.

Considering my age of almost 80 at the time, we chose to go for Angioplasty. I was operated on September 9, 2012 and 6 Stents were interested in my left heart’s arteries. I thank the Almighty God for the successful operation. I will be turning 82 this year, but I have limited my physical activities and have tried to avoid mental stress as per my doctor’s advice.

I apologize for being inactive in the Federation’s activities for the above reasons.

Regarding the Federation Assembly meeting, yes, Mr. Onari called me years ago requesting for a Federation meeting and Mr. Buni also called my attention after the last PNLSC meeting that I attended in Manila.

After my operation I have long desired to call for a Federation meeting/election, so that I can formally turn-over my position to a new leadership. I cannot just resign from my position and fade away because the Embassy of Japan and other authorities still calls my attention and invites me in their activities now and then because of my former as Honorary Consul-General and as President of our Federation.

The other problem was the financial capability of the Federation to hold a meeting. However, as yopu have suggested in your letters that a meeting of the PNLSC will be held sometimes in November and the most of the Presidents of the chapters will be present, it will be very good opportunity for us to coincide our Federation meeting and election on the same date.

It appears in your letters that you have already acquired clearance from PNLSC. But I still made a formal request with PNLSC –Japan Chairman Atty. Kawai.

I am happy to inform you that I just received a call from their Secretary-General Nori Inomata that our request has been approved and our Federation meeting will be held in Manila in the morning of November 11, 2012 before the PNLSC meeting.


Federation of Nikkei Jin Kai Philippines, Inc.