

By Admin

January 25, 2016

img196                  The Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Rengokai had called on all the Chapters under it to convene in Manila on January 28, 1016 for its 9th National Convention. For this purpose all Presidents of the various chapters of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Rengoka, Inc.  called on its members to identify those who are still able, preferably the 2nd generation to participate the said National Convention. Preference is given to the second generation or nisei who are still groping in the dark as regards their ancestral roots.

The chapter in Davao City under the leadership of Ret. Judge Antonina B. Escovilla had sent notices to the 2nd generation or Nisei to come to the office for orientation purposes.  Those fit to walk and/or able Nisei came on January 25, 2016 and an orientation was conducted at the conference room of the association. Those holders of family registration and those whose petitions for recognition are still pending before the Family Court in Japan were around.

The Chapter President delivered her message, followed by a brief statement from the Rengokai President Ines P. Mallari. Helen Escovilla, Head of the Legal Aide Section of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai took over and informed every one the reason why an orientation was set. The eagerness on the faces of the Nisei was visible as most were so focused to the lecturer listening to what was being conveyed to them emphasizing their deportment during the National Convention.

After the orientation, those who are yet to be recognized had left with the hope that the convention can well enlighten their being stateless and in the future would be able to step on the land of the rising sun. Some whose papers have been located are saying that the convention could be the medium of reunion with their ancestors.