
Happy Birthday Otoosan

By Admin



Tatsuo Uchida, the otoosan of everyone during the early years in the PNJK Family, was born on January 25, 1928 at Tibungco Davao City. He was a Datu Bago awardee and the adopted son of Davao City because of his several projects introduced here in our place that all of us would never forget. He offered shelter to the needy. A building housing the orphanage near the Southern Philippine Medical Center is just one among the several contributions of Otoosan to the development of the city. Because of his generosity and concern over the plights of the residents in the city, he was conferred the most prestigious award the Datu Bago Award given each year in line with the observation of the Araw ng Dabaw.

The building housing the office of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc. and MKD classrooms is a very significant donation received from the couple Uchida. We could truly say that countless beneficiaries have benefited from the donations. We can mention here the members and officials likewise are enjoying better living condition having been accepted in the mainstream of society both in Japan
and in the Philippines. The program of the association for recognition generated positive result, thus a number of descendants are either Japanese citizens or are permanent resident visa holders. This was part of his ideas during his lifetime.

What he did is so noble and incomparable with the rest of the benefactors in a community. We will always remember him as he left the biggest legacy ever – the importance of education and improvement of one’s living condition. The school is the symbol of what he dreamed for the descendants – complete education and the grasp of Japanese culture. May his soul rest in peace with his wife Ayako San.



“Message delivered by Mrs. Panaguiton during the welcome party of Otoosan”

By Admin

At first it was just a wish and a prayer that Uchida “Otoosan” will come once again to Davao after a long time of absence because of his illness and delicate condition. But suddenly, here you are in Davao in front of us, you made as so happy and once again we feel your loving presence, like a father to us who cared so much for the Davaoweños, especially Davao, your birthplace and for the Philippine Nikkei Jins, who are recipient of your benevolence.

You touched so many lives ………….

You cared for the orphans by your continued support and building them a house for the poor children, with the support of your loving wife the late Mrs. Ayako Uchida.

You are one of the benefactors who contributed most for the welfare of the Nikkei Jins here in Davao.

  1. You helped establish our Nihongo School.
    2. Sponsored many students especially the Nihongo Scholars in Japan whom you constantly give moral and financial support.
    3. Initiated the yearly Recorder Ensemble and encouraged the Tokyo Kichijoji Lions Club to help support this project.
    4. Helped the Nikkei Jins in promoting the educational, Nihongo Language Training Center and Baseball Cup to the Japanese people.
    5. With your help, the Nippon Foundation grant the PNJK a Polyclinic to serve the health care of our members, students, faculties, parents and nearby communities.4 • DENTOU NO HIBIKI
    6. You helped in the establishment of CASEDO in which you enhanced our mind, to appreciate and care for the beauty of nature and to care for our environment and encourage us to plant thousands of trees for more than a decade now.
    7. Whenever our students, members, officers of PNJK will go to Japan, you are always there, open for whatever assistance you can extend.
    8. Since the creation of the PNJK Association, it has been 34 years now and PNJK successfully multiplied to more than 8,000 members and to different division or entities like the following:
    1. Pre- School;
    2. Grade School;
    3. College- The MKD whose five (5) stories building was built through the kindness and benevolence of both you and your late wife Mrs. Ayako Uchida;
    4. Polyclinic
    5. Calinan International School;
    6. Museum and others.
    9. You have extended the PNJK-IS with a loan in the acquisition of the land and building of our school and you bravely lent us not thinking if we could really pay you back.

Thank you so much for the trust and confidence that you have given us that motivated us to try our best not to betray your trust. We thank God that after all these years we are able to comply and were able to complete our loan payment.

  1. Most significant of your contribution is being once a member and officer of Yuko Kyo Kai in the beginning, also of the Phil. Japan Engineering and Educational Association, Musashino and Tokyo Kichijoji Lions Club in Japan, the Japan Volunteer of Japan, PNLSC and so forth. Through these different entities of Japan that helped the Nikkei Jins to locate our real identities. Family Registration of the Nikkei Jins with the help of the Japanese Government was seen and many of the Nikkei Jins are now in Japan, successfully having their residence- visa, some are permanent residents and some acquired the Japanese Citizenship.

The image of the Philippine Nikkei Jins since 1980 up to now has greatly changed.

Nikkei Jins now have the comfort of a modest home, could send their children to School, no longer suffering a hard life. Those whose Family registrations were located upon submission of complete requirements, were able to land a job with residence visa in Japan.

Foremost of all is we were able to meet our living relatives and all the mystery of our life after the World War II are now revealed to us.

Finally, once again our heartfelt gratitude that despite your condition you still come to us here in Davao.

Please if anyone of us here in Davao have offended you or have done something wrong, we ask your forgiveness. We are very sorry.

God the Father in Heaven sees you. Our Creator loves you. You are a person with a big heart. All your goodness we cannot express but God knows. May God bless you with His abundant graces. May He grant you good health of mind, body and spirit.

Message to Tatsuo Uchida San during the Welcome Party last August 12, 2014


“Otoosan’s Arrival”

By Admin

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August 09, 2014 in the afternoon at 5:00 P.M. was the time the airplane with Otoosan and his company touched down the Davao International Airport. All members of the group that met Otoosan composed of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Mallari, Mr. Shuji Honda, Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso P. Escovilla,Jr. , Mrs. Carmen Apigo and Mrs. Adelaida Panaguiton were excited to see him. However, on account of miscommunication with the airport management we were asked to wait. All passengers that took that flight had already been fetched by their respective families but we have yet to find out the cause of the delay in allowing the three – Otoosan, Kazunari San (Otoosan’s son and Yuske San, Otoosan’s grandson) from leaving the airport. We were directed to proceed from the International arrival area to the domestic arrival area. While waiting from the outside we can see the three, namely: Otoosan, Kazunari san and Yusuke) and this time Honda san was able to get in, we were told that the wheelchair of Otoosan was left behind, either in Manila or in Japan. At any rate at past 6:00 P.M. finally Otoosan was ushered outside the airport from the domestic area while the rest of us were waiting in between the international and domestic area since we did not know what was going right inside.

Otoosan was teary-eyed when he saw us. On his face, observed that he was glad that after five years, he is back to his second home – Davao City. The group of Otoosan consisting of Kazunari san, Yusuke san, Mr. and Mrs. Mallari proceeded to the Mallari’s residence for a much needed rest of our honored visitor. Though invited for dinner we begged off since we had other commitments after meeting Otoosan at the airport. Welcome home, Otoosan, we have missed you a lot in all activities the past five years.