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Visit of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to PNJK Compound
By: Ret. Judge Antonina Escovilla

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         Prior to January 13, 2017, the presence of government officials both from the Philippines and Japan was noticed. Ret. Judge Antonina B. Escovilla, PNJK President was around and had conferred with them but no definite declaration was heard relative to the visit of the highest official in Japan. No date and time was mentioned and so everyone was in a quandary.

        At any rate, MKD President Mallari left no stone un-turned. Various scenarios were outlined and she expected the responsible school officials to extend  their warmest welcome and hospitality to the most important guests whose presence in Davao City would include in his itinerary the visit at PNJK Compound.

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             Every now and then President Mallari receives calls from officials in Japan and Manila. Each call, she would meet PNJK Family staffs and could not contain her emotions as regards the preparation in welcoming Prime Minister Shinzo Abe whose visit to PNJK compound has yet to be officially confirmed by the Office of the President.

             When the final call was heard about the arrival of not only the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife Madam Akie but of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte as well, another meeting was then scheduled. The staffs were mobilized to prepare tarpaulin welcoming both highest officials of Japan and the Philippines.

             However, minutes before the scheduled arrival of the two highest officials some changes were made, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte cancelled his visit.

            When Prime Minister Abe arrived, the graders who were patiently waiting along the road from the entrance up to the PNJK Gym, where the high school students were standing with flaglets in hand, waved the same and started singing “It’s A Small World” in Nihongo and “We Welcome You” which gesture must have moved our guest making him disembark from his vehicle together with his wife, gave highfives to all the kids. Upon reaching the place where we were standing, we, President Mallari, Judge Escovilla and Bishop Ajiro shook hands with the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe while being introduced by Ambassador Ishikawa. Thereafter, he stopped in front of the group of students performing handmine and was in awe looking at the words formed with the song “we welcome you” as the background. Before entering the audio visual room, he looked at the area where the Nisei were seated and said “arigatou” to their welcome greetings.

         While in the audio visual room the Prime Minister observed a Nihongo class composed of third year college students with their Japanese Professor. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was impressed with the response of the students all in Nihongo and each student upon conclusion of the class was congratulated by him. It was an enjoyable sight with both the Prime Minister and Madam Abe talking to the students in Nihongo. School Administration is so proud to have students who could speak fluent Nihongo and could assimilate Japanese culture.

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Calinan Building

By Admin

Additional Class Room 3rd Floor PNJK-IS Calinan











P1020579 P1020580

Stairway to  2nd & 3rd Floor of PNJK-IS Calanina School



