img339 I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all participants of the 9th National Convention of the Philippine Nikkei-jin Kai Rengokai, Inc., the umbrella organization of the Japanese descendants with 11 local chapters nationwide. At the same time, I would like to pay tribute to the outstanding leadership of your President, Mrs. Ines Mallari.

        The Federation has been playing a pivotal role in reuniting and enriching the well-being of the Japanese descendants who were once displaced by World War II. Furthermore, the federation is now becoming an indispensable organization to uphold the mutual understanding between Japan and the Philippines and their respective peoples.

        In this context, I wish to state that this year is a very special year for us. This year, we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between our nations.

        It is a great honor and pleasure that we can start this special year with a very important milestone which is the historical and memorable visit of their Majesties, the Emperor and Empress of Japan to the Philippines. I am sure that this will further enhance and strengthen the already cordial and warm relations existing between our two countries.

        Lastly, I want to thank again all of you for your strong commitment to the strengthening of our bilateral relations and I likewise wish you great success on your convention.


                                                                KAZUHIDE ISHIKAWA
                                                                 Ambassador of Japan