
  Please allow me to convey my profound appreciation and gratitude for the opening of the 9th National Convention of the Filipino-Japanese Descendants.

        After World War II, the Descendants were forced to face to hardship and to deal with the problems like discrimination, ignorance, poverty, citizenship and so on. But even under the circumstances, you overcame them and are struggling sturdily through your hard work which is one of the core values of the Japanese.  First, we acknowledge and appreciate your great effort in the field of business as well as academics.

        Now I would like to review the history briefly. In 2005, it’s a significant year for the society of Filipino-Japanese descendants because the joint team of Atty. Hiroyuki Kawai of Philippine Nikkei-jin Legal Support Center, Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Inc., we, Japan Philippine Industry Council and some volunteers could find the Koseki tohon or the true copies of the Family Register of some of the families thanks to the huge support from the Japanese government, in addition to the great financial assistance from the Nippon Foundation led by Chairman Mr. Sasakawa and President Mr. Ogata. Then we could start the project for those who were classified as Category C, so that they get legal recognition as Japanese descendants. We conducted the investigation intensively; however there were so many families of descendants who did not keep any proof of identity as Japanese.

        This was the start of the shuseki project initiated by PNLSC, chapters of the Nikkei Jin Kai in the Philippines and the Nippon Foundation.

        From 2005 and until now, as a fruit of this project, many families were recognized by Japanese government and have gone to Japan to meet their family or relatives there. But unfortunately as for the Category B and C families, a number of 1, 199 and 282 respectively still haven’t been recognized.

        I believe that the efficient team of the Federation will face seriously and resolve these difficulties. Today, it’s the special day of visit of their Majesties Emperor and Empress of Japan here in the Philippines.  We are assembled here to unite and build a stronger bond throughout the society of Filipino-Japanese descendant’s nationwide.

        Japan and Philippines are different countries but you are the tie of both. Let us continue the effort, deepen further the communication and promote cultural exchange for peace and prosperity.

        We, JPIC also will continue to make contribution for you as much as possible. May your life and future be filled with delight and positivity.


President, Japan Philippine Industry Council
                  Manila, Philippines