Seminar on Human Relationship was held on October 10, 2016 at the MKD AVR room from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The guest speaker is a lecturer from Japan Creative Education Institute Mr. Kazuaki Ishibashi .

 The said seminar was sponsored by JPIC President Yoshihiro Tokumitsu and co-sponsored by PNJK.

The purpose of the seminar is to develop stronger relationship with each other and to stress the importance of continuous learning no matter what our station in life is.  JPIC President Tokumitsu believes that this seminar would enhance good relationship between PNJK and JPIC.

Among the topic discussed were:
AHow to enjoy work and be successful in Japan. Many agreed that to enjoy work and be successful in Japan one must undergo orientation on the assigned job and workplace, learn the language, respect the culture and tradition of Japan and lastly, be mentally and physically fit.
BRomantic Feelings (koi) and Loving feeling (ai). Romantic Feelings is the first feeling of attraction and admiration while Loving feeling is nurtured and needs effort, it’s a deep feeling.

  In order for us to be happy we need :

  1. To be loved

  2. To be recognized

  3. To be needed


C. Trust (Shinyou) and Trustworthy (Shinrai).
Trust (Shinyou ) is established by producing good results, doing your work properly, setting good example , keeping promises, following rules and regulation, etc. while (Shinrai) is an accumulation of Shinyou.

D. Sense of gratitude
This way of thinking is fundamental and basic. Human beings can not live by their own power and effort alone. We are alive with the help of many people around us… Therefore it is very important to be grateful on everything like expressing our gratitude to people that support us in our work, or even to the littlest of favor we received. Some people do not express gratitude because they feel its just normal or natural to receive such favor or support.
E. Feeling of Appreciation

Six Elements of Honesty:

  1. Honest people keep promises and rules properly
  2. Honest people do not deceive people
  3. Honest people relate or treat everyone equally
  4. Honest people do not manipulate or use others
  5. Honest people do not use tactics to deceive
  6. Honest people cherish others like himself

G. Human Growth 

  1. Skill or ability
  2. Humanity 

The seminar was dynamic and interactive as there was group sharing every after topic discussed most importantly, knowledge we acquired must be applied and practiced in our daily life……