25th Recorder Ensemble Competition By: Veronico B. Nazario

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    The preparation for the much anticipated 25th Recorder Ensemble Competition started as early as the 3rd week of April. When Mr. Shuji Honda, confirmed the holding of the competition in early October, Mrs. Carmen C. Apigo, the School Principal of PNJKIS-Calinan and Mrs. Girlie Doydoy, being the liaison personnel of the competition, started calling previous contest participants who were also recipients of free flutes distributed by the Japan-Philippines Volunteers Assn. (JPVA) thru CASEDO during early stages of the project, inviting school trainors to attend a seminar on the 27th of May 2016 to be conducted by Mr. Shuji Honda at the PNJKIS Calinan covered court. Sixteen (16) Elementary Schools, both public and private, and three (3) high schools attended the said Seminar.
On the 15th of July, 2016, a follow-up seminar was again held in the same venue. Mr. Shuji Honda distributed the contest piece and additional flutes to schools that did not have complete set to be able to join the contest. The contest was slated on the 8th of October, but due to unforeseen circumstances, the original schedule did not materialize. The contest was moved indefinitely and was finally scheduled to take place on February 11, 2017 to be held at the PNJKIS-Calinan Branch’s covered court which was built in the mid 90’s and was called the PNJKIS Music Hall. Of the 16 Elementary Schools that attended the two seminars, five (5) backed out due to lack of preparation and one school, Mintal Elementary School, which was a no-show during both seminars, signified it’s intention of joining the contest, bringing the number of contestants to 12. The three high schools all sent positive answers of joining the contest.

The following is the list of schools that attended both seminars, the last five written in italics are the schools that backed out:

Elementary Schools
1. Amigo School of Calinan, Inc. (Calinan)
2. Bustamante Central Elementary School (Tibungco)
3. Calinan Central Elementary School (Calinan)
4. Lacson Elementary School ( Lacson, Calinan)
5. Lt. C. Villafuerte Elementary School (Calinan)
6. Pedro Rodriguez Elementary School (Tamayong Calinan)
7. PNJKIS Calinan Branch (Calinan)
8. PNJIS Main Campus (Lanang Davao City)
9. Sirib Elementary School (Sirib Calinan)
10.Tamayong Elementary School (Tamayong, Calinan)
11. Wangan Elementary School (Wangan, Calinan)
12. Quirino Elementary School (Quirino Calinan)
13. Marilog Elementary School (Marilog, Calinan)
14. Riverside Elementary School (Riverside, Calinan)
15. Subasta Elementary School (Subasta, Calinan)
16. Cesario Villa Abrille Elementary School ( Davao City)

High Schools
1. Amigo School of Calinan, Inc. (Calinan)
2. Holy Spirit Academy of Calinan, Inc (Talomo River, Calinan)
3. PNJKIS- Main Campus (Lanang, Davao City)

           To ensure an impartial and unbiased result in the contest, a group of certified musicians was gathered to form the board of judges, consisting of Mr. Wilfredo M. Terante, Mr. Everjesto Caballero, Mr. Nestor Pasamonte and Atty. Hideshige Aoki, representing the Japanese sponsors.

          Since the contest was for the different schools throughout Davao City, the Schools’ Division Superintendent, Dr. Maria Ines C. Asuncion, was also invited but due to prior commitments she was unable to come, so the Division MAPEH Supervisor, Ms. Amy Lacerna came in her stead. The Calinan Barangay Council was represented by no less than the Barangay Captain, Mr. Pedrito C. Angco.

The five main sponsors of the Recorder Ensemble were also represented by very notable personalities of the associations. The Tokyo Kichijoji Lions Club was represented by its current President, Mr Yoshikazu Enomoto, past presidents, Atty.. Hideshige Aoki and Mr. Kimio Kawamata, and current members Mr. Takahiro Komatsu and Mr. Yusuke Uchida; the Japan-Philippines Volunteer Association was represented by Mr. Takakazu Machida; The Japan-Philippines Industry Council was represented by its President Mr. Yoshihiro Tokumitsu and its past president, Mr. Akira Sekino; the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Inc., the foremost proponent of the competition, was represented by Ms. Ines P. Mallari, PNJKIS President, Ret. Judge Antonina B. Escovilla, President of the PNJK Inc., Board of Trustees, Mrs. Adelaida S. Panaguiton, member of the Board of Trustees and Ms. Carmen C. Apigo, PNJKIS-Calinan Branch Principal; and the Datu Uchida
Development Foundation was represented by Mr. Shuji Honda.

The program hosts, Ms Angel Gimbaan and Mr. Daniel Ulanday were so impressive in their hosting style which was done in both English and Nihongo. Mr. Shuji Honda and Mr. Takakazu Machida rendered their own version of the contest piece in an intermission number. Ms Lareina P. Moses and all the participating schools ensembles were urged by Mr. Honda to join the rendition.

When the dust cleared after the competition, in the Elementary Category, the PNJKIS- Main Campus came out the victors followed by the PNJKIS Calinan and the Amigo School of Calinan, respectively. The High School Category was ruled by the Amigo School of Calinan, followed by the PNJKIS-Main Campus and the Holy Spirit Academy of Calinan. The winners were given cash prizes and the nonwinners were given consolation prizes. All the participating schools coming from outside of Calinan Poblacion were given extra cash to defray transportation expenses.
The activity was so successful that everybody was looking forward
to the next competition, God willing.