“From the Desk of The President”

After more than three decades of serving the Philippines Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc. this representation became its President on account of the resignation of Mrs. Nelma Nacion Adachi. Her resignation is confined to her position as President of the Association. Relinquishing her post is anchored on a valid and meritorious ground. However, her being a true blooded descendant, she still is performing as the association representative on concerns affecting some of our activities, more so on the plight of our descendants in Japan. In fact, she was invited by Asia Africa Latin-America Association (AALA), the only Ngo in Japan which can participate in the non-aligned nation summits, to present to the group this October the historical background of the association, its functions and activities that resulted in forging friendly relations with established and prestigious groups in Japan. Reports along this line will be published in our next issue.

Good news! Our association has received the favorable decision rendered in the Shuseki Petition submitted by Carlos Toshimitsu. He is now a Category A descendant. From the least category for want of documents that support his root Mr. Toshimitsu is legally recognized as Japanese descended Filipino. This came about because of the joint effort of our association with the Philippine Nikkei Legal Support Center, based in Manila and Japan, headed by Atty. Kawai. Patience, endurance, sacrifice and understanding are traits that pave the way to positive results. Mr. Toshimitsu has been waiting for this momentous event for 76 years. Born to a Japanese father who died during the war and was left alone, he was at a quandary where to start in searching his Japanese relatives. Because of our relationships with our legal partner in Japan, he has succeeded in proving his ascendancy coupled with documents authenticated by government agencies inclusive of the participation of the association.

At his age it would be difficult to be in Japan on permanent status. But this notwithstanding, he was full of joy when he came home after a brief stay in Japan, savoring what he had missed for 76 years, as it was the country of his father. While in Japan for the Court Proceedings, he fortunately had the opportunity to meet a long lost relative who gave him photos of his Japanese father. The meeting is one unforgettable event we normally see in movies but as regards the case of Mr. Toshimitsu, this is one moment that can be cherished and he can declare to the whole world that indeed he belongs to a Japanese clan whom he could be proud of.

This is one big achievement the association has done for one of the members this year. There were members in the past who encountered the same experience and we hope to see more in the coming years.

Our association has existed for than three decades. As far as I know, no other association of the same objectives and purposes has survived. Our association became what it is today on account of the cooperation of every one, the harmony permeating in the board room where opinions at time clashed but resulting to the one common resolution which is beneficial to all. No member of the board of directors has employed any form of irregularity in any action taken involving the operational aspects of the office as everything is reported during the general assembly to members present. No one could point a finger at any of the officers that they have acquired personal benefits in serving the association.

As we have been emphasizing, the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc. is the only group that succeeded in establishing an educational institutional from the elementary, high school to college level. The only association that has a Polyclinic, serving the Nikkei community and neighboring subdivision. This was made possible because of a grant from Nippon Foundation. The question that may be asked is why the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc.? The Nippon Foundation has reposed trust and confidence on the capabilities of the people running the association, hence the grant. In fact, monthly reports as to the activities and operations of the Polyclinic are being relayed to Nippon Foundation.

The association, for all those who are updated, has its Museum in Calinan. Other than that, the elementary level is starting to progress in Calinan, an extension of our educational institution in Lanang. Other than our association, our educational institution, our Polyclinic, our Museum in Calinan and the elementary school in Calinan, members who recently left for Japan are kept abreast of the Cooperative established and in fact some are already inventors of this entity.
For the better understanding of everyone, not all these entities are being run by the association. On account of the intricacies of the Philippine Law, requiring registration of entities not falling within the objectives and purposes of the By-laws and Articles of Incorporation of the PNJK,INC., the different entities established under the umbrella of the association has to follow the prescribed requirements.

While under the umbrella of our association, registration, separate and distinct from our association, is mandated. As a mandate, there is a need to create a policy making body and another set of members of the board of directors/trustees mostly in the newly created entities sit as members of directors of the association.

There is nothing to fear, as our service, being real blooded Japanese descendants, is guided by dedication and honesty.

My appeal to all is to keep on trusting the leadership of the association. As members you have an obligation to the association. Associations could not exist without its members’ cooperation. Expansion and development are proofs or concrete evidence that everything is above board. You are part of this development and progress. We are not politicians promising unreachable goals but what you see around are products or our unity, harmony and understanding. Anyone who states the contrary is challenged to take proper action before the appropriate forum.
May God bless us in every undertaking that we embark as the projects that you see are the only legacy that the officials of the second generation can transmit to the young generation.


Judge Antonina B. Escovilla, Ret.

President, PNJK, Inc.