We are all happy to see you back to your second home and we want to express our deepest thanks to Kazunari san and Yusuke san for bringing Otoosan in Davao City. Among the list of our benefactors, Otoosan is remarkably different. He is pure in heart, pure in mind and pure in action. I am proud and honored to be his adopted sister and that of Ayako san. Both have shared their blessings to the Nikkei Community without hesitation. All blessings came from them alone. Their biggest contribution not only to PNJK campus but to other parts of the City more specially the orphanage center is evident. Otoosan is not expecting any return because it is a gift or donation without any condition. His main goal is to motivate descendants to improve not only their standard of living but assist the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc.

We have grown, Otoosan, because of your initiative. You started the move, setting an example for all of us to follow, driving us to move forward and give our own share regardless how big or small the contribution is, whether monetary or services.

While not all had answered your call for self-growth and extend assistance to our association I can say without contradiction that the Nikkei Community has greatly improved and is successful the way you dreamed it and today you will see people have grown or have aged, like me and Reverend Fernandez you see Miko very much different from the day you were here – she was just a little kid in the elementary grade and now she is a second year law student.

We have grown, I repeat because of you, in due time we will 100% be putting into realization your dream. In behalf of those who are here from the bottom of our hearts welcome Otoosan and again thank you so much for your good deeds. May God bless you and all of us at the PNJK campus.