“From the desk of the President”

During the 34th General Assembly held on May 11, 2014, the following policies under the Mortuary Aid Program were approved by the members present, to wit:

  1. Membership shall be on individual basis;
  2. The mortuary contribution shall be paid annually in the amount of P300.00;
  3. From the annual contribution of all the registered members, P50.00 shall be given in case of mortality to the qualified beneficiary of the deceased member as mortuary benefit, upon presentation of the death certificate;
  4. The qualified beneficiaries to be written in order of priority in the application form for membership to the Mortuary Aid Program shall be the following:
  1. Legal Spouse
  2. Child
  3. Parent
  4. The computation of the mortuary aid shall be based on the total active members of the particular year;
  5. The extent of the benefit that the beneficiary shall be entitled to shall be solely and exclusively as to the privilege to claim the mortuary aid of the deceased member;
  6. Failure to pay the annual mortuary contribution of P300.00 shall cause the delisting of the name of the member and even if the applicant is non-descendant provided he/she is the spouse of the registered member the application to the program shall be accepted.