“PNLSC celebrates 10th year ANNIVERSARY”

“PNLSC celebrates 10th year ANNIVERSARY”

By: Sheryl Mae B. Santos

 Project Administrator-Davao Chapter

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As part of the 10th Anniversary celebrations, with the theme “Achieving bright future for the Nikkei Jins, the Philippine Nikkei Jin Legal Support Center, Inc. held such event considered special at Bay view Park Hotel, Manila, last November 03, 2013. Activities lined up on that day were as follows:

Newly Elected Officers of PHILIPPINE NIKKEI JIN LEGAL SUPPORT CENTER, INC. (PNLSC INC.) effective November 2013, were Chairman of the Board: Mr. Stephen Querico Buni, Board of Director: Mr. Norihiro Inomata, President: Mr. Juseven Austero, Vice –President: Atty. Hiroyuki Kawai, Secretary: Atty. Emmanuel Pacsi, Treasurer: Ms. Yuka Kanamaru, Auditor: Ms. Araceli Tan;

Updating Shuseki Projects: As of 2013, PNLSC Filed 13 Petitions, Approved 30, Withdrawn 4: Overall since 2003, Filed 173, Approved 101, Withdrawn 21, on going 41, Located 622 and since 2004 up to 2103 we have 30 approved Shuseki for Davao Chapter. Shuseki Filing Schedule

2012 – 175;   2013 – 13;   2014 – 20;   2015 – 20; Total:  228 Approved Shuseki as of 2013, Kyoko Watanabe (Davao City) Approved:  June 28, 2013; Yaiko Toyama (Davao City) Approved:  July 23, 2013; Hatsue Akaboshi and Sadako Akaboshi Approved:  January 10, 2013; Matilde Fumiko Ogawa Approved:  September 10, 2013

The program for the 10th Year Anniversary Celebration started with the singing of the National Anthems’ of both Philippines and Japan led by Mr. Ruben Darauay and by Atty. Hiroyuki Kawai respectively atty. Kawai welcomed the participants. An invocation was followed led by Ret. Judge Antonina Escovilla (Secretary, FNJK).  Mr. Norihiro Inomata (Director, PNLSC, Inc). Acknowledged the presence of invited guests such as Atty. Cris Villalobos (Acting Chief, Legal & Investigative Bureau of Immigration),Hon. Yuji Fuki (Vice Consul, Embassy of Japan in the  Philippines), Atty. Roussel Reyes (Passport Director- DFA), & Mr. Akira Sekino (PNLSC Member). Mr. Sekino delivered his Congratulatory Message to those behind the success of PNLSC.


Ms. Ines Mallari (FNJK President) & Atty. Emmanuel Pacsi (FNJK Chairman) presented the Plaques of Appreciation to the following:

Atty. Hiroyuki Kawai, Atty. Hideshige Aoki, Atty. Naoko Ohiwa, Atty. Nikko Haku, Atty. Kazuki  Sato, Atty. Shiro Abe, Atty. Chiharu Mariko, Atty. Yusuke Kin, Atty. Yumiko Fujita, Atty. Takahiro Arase, Atty. Keitaro  Mishima, Atty. Koji Yamawaki, Atty. Suyon Kim.

Atty. Hideshige Aoki (Board of Director, PNLSC) & Mr. Stephen Querico Buni (Chairman, PNLSC) on the other hand presented the Plaque to the Government Officials who were around. 2nd Generation Descendants had their own video Congratulatory Greetings more from those whose Shuseki Petitions were finally approved. We heard the talent presentation of no less than Atty. Hiroyuki Kawai as well a dance number from the Baguio Chapter members. Closing Remarks was given by Mr. Juseven Austero (President- PNLSC Inc).

PNLSC INC. will continue to uphold its mission in helping the war displaced Japanese descendants in the Philippines recover their identity and nationality, further, it commited to contribute the development and prosperity of Nikkei-jins and Nikkei-jin communities in the Philippines.