img343Congratulations on the 9th National Convention of Filipino-Japanese Descendants. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the normalization of the diplomatic relation between the Philippines and Japan. And this convention today, on the occasion of the visit of their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan to the Philippines, might be the best timing to think deeply about the history and the past of the Nikkei-jin who has been carrying on their shoulders the history of both countries.

        As a result of the World War II, a pitiful history of ours, the lives of Filipino, about one million and one hundred thousand were lost and the society of Japanese immigrants and descendants in the Philippines were destroyed at the same time.  Needless to say, the war-displaced Filipino-Japanese descendants were faced with hardship due to the anti-Japanese sentiment in the Philippines after the war.

        During the conduct of the research project of PNLSC, I have seen with my own eyes how it is delighting and healing for the displaced Filipinos to be granted the Japanese Nationality by the Japanese government and to meet with their family in the later stage of their lives.

        In 2005, the Shuseki project which is the petition for the approval of their Japanese nationality to the family court of domestic relations was started and as of January 15, 2016, there are already 168 Filipino Nisei who were recognized as Japanese, and was granted the Japanese Nationality. However, there are still remaining one thousand two hundred (1,200) Nisei who weren’t granted yet with Japanese nationality. Considering the necessity that the shuseki project has to be completed while they are still alive and that the average age of Nisei now is 76, the time left for us is very limited. In this occasion, I sincerely expect more favor and support to be extended from our project partners, starting from the Nippon Foundation, Japanese government, and other concerned offices/agencies.

        This year marks the 24th year since the establishment of the Federation of Philippines Nikkei Jin Kai in 1992. The history of the Federation in quarter-century might be uneven but the first purpose which is to unite and shape in uplifting the status of Nikkei-jin is still handed down continuously. I would like to express my sincere respect for all the generous people and forefathers who exerted their effort for the progress of the Federation.

        For more than a decade since I served as a legal adviser of the Federation, I have noticed several changes to wit: the leadership of the Nikkei organizations have been passed on from the Nisei to Sansei. Moreover, the different chapters have gathered strength in pursuing self-reliant and sustainable management in various regions. The activities of Nikkei Jin Kai may vary but  the aim is to contribute to the progress of the local community and to play an active role as the bridge between the two countries, and in launching small businesses through several attempts by using the loan of entrepreneurship founded by the Nikkei-jin involved in PNLSC.

        I hope that the members of the Federation and Nikkei Jin Kai around the country will remain steadfast and faithful to the initial spirit, that is to collaborate and cooperate with the spirit of joy, free from discrimination and isolation.

        May the Nikkei-jin society further expand through mutual openness, collaboration as you help each other by making good use of you original and regional history, and unique characteristics. I am more than happy to extend my continuous support.  Mabuhay!


Atty. Hiroyuki Kawai
Legal Adviser and Chairman
Philippine Legal Nikkei-jin Support Centre (PNLSC)