“36th PNJK General Assembly”

Nikkei – jin meeting with Their Majesties:
A great reason for jubilation, vigor and renewed strength.
   by: Evelyn Obuchi

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On May15, 2016 at 9:00 in the morning, more than a hundred of Nikkei- jins from Chapters of Tagum, Davao, Toril, Calinan, Digos   and Kidapawan gathered at PNJK-IS gym to attend the 36th Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc. General Assembly.

This year’s theme isNikkei – jin Meeting  with Their Majesties: A great reason for jubilation, vigor and renewed strength. A theme inspired by the meeting of selected 2nd generation Japanese descended Filipinos from all over the Philippines with their Royal Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan in January 28, 2016 in Manila.

The 2nd generation Nikkei-jins were so over joyed and totally overwhelmed with the encounter that with teary eyes they said “Our father came back home”.  With newly acquired vigor and renewed strength the Nikkei-jins are expected to be more united in their continued journey towards identity recognition for a progressive and brighter future.

The assembly commenced at 9:30 am with the Masters of Ceremonies Mr. Felipe Hiquial and Ms. Noellyne Fernandez opening the program proper followed by a prayer led by Ms. Adelaida Panagution. The 1st Vice President Rodrigo Suemitsu acknowledged the participants and welcomed by Ms. Elizabeth Tagud in behalf of the Chairman of the Board of Directors Ms. Ines Mallari who was not able to attend the affair because she has to go to Japan together with the President Ret. Judge Antonina Escovilla.

Ms. Evelyn Obuchi read the letter of President Escovilla welcoming and thanking the members and supporters of PNJK. PNJK President Escovilla likewise apologized for not being around because together with the Chairman she has to attend the necrological service in Japan of one of the ardent  sponsors and supporters of PNJK  – the late Mr. Tatsuo Uchida fondly  called by people close to him as “otoosan”.
The President’s consolidated report zeroed in on the different activities and accomplishments of the association starting May 10, 2015 wherein the “Araw ng Nikkei jin” was successfully celebrated.  July 2015 was a very important month because the Rengokai President Ines Mallari together with the PNJK President Ret. Judge Escovilla and Nisei from Cebu, Baguio and Manila left for Japan to meet with no less than the Prime Minister of Japan Hon. Shinzo Abe , Japanese Senators and Representatives of Diet.  On August 15, 2015 Ireisai was held in Calinan in coordination with the Consulate Office of Japan in Davao. October was a very busy month beginning with the celebration of Phil-RP Japan Festival on October 5-8. Chosen Cat. C Nikkei –jin members took part in the Home-coming tour in Japan. Third week of the same month PNJK President, Ret. Judge Escovilla, the Rengokai President Ms. Ines Mallari, Ms. Elizabeth Tagud and Ms. Carmen Apigo attended the Kai Gai Nikkei Jin Tai Kai on October 26-28 in Tokyo, Japan.

Business Proper followed afterwards with Ms. Carmen Apigo reading the last year’s minutes of the meeting and the President’s Report in behalf of Ret. Judge Antonina Escovilla.

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