
By Admin

Mano or Pagmamano is a gesture used in Filipino culture performed as a sign of respect to elders and as a way of accepting a blessing from the elder. Similar to hand-kissing, the person giving the greeting bows towards the offered hand of the elder and presses his or her forehead on the elder’s hand. Usually performed with the right hand, the person showing respect may ask “Mano po” to the elder in order to ask permission to initiate the gesture. Typically someone may mano to his or her older relatives upon entry into their home or upon seeing them. The word “mano” is Spanish for “hand” while the word “po” is often used in Filipino culture and language at the end of each sentence as a sign of respect when addressing someone older. Put together, “mano po” literally translates to “your hand please” as the greeting initiates the gesture of touching the back of the hand of an elder lightly on one’s forehead. An identical tradition is followed in neighbouring Indonesia and Malaysia called “salim” and “salam” respectively, suggesting that the Mano po tradition dates to precolonial times. In today’s Philippine setting, the “mano” is still used by Filipinos… Read More »


“36th PNJK General Assembly”

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Nikkei – jin meeting with Their Majesties: A great reason for jubilation, vigor and renewed strength.    by: Evelyn Obuchi     On May15, 2016 at 9:00 in the morning, more than a hundred of Nikkei- jins from Chapters of Tagum, Davao, Toril, Calinan, Digos   and Kidapawan gathered at PNJK-IS gym to attend the 36th Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc. General Assembly. This year’s theme is:  Nikkei – jin Meeting  with Their Majesties: A great reason for jubilation, vigor and renewed strength. A theme inspired by the meeting of selected 2nd generation Japanese descended Filipinos from all over the Philippines with their Royal Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan in January 28, 2016 in Manila. The 2nd generation Nikkei-jins were so over joyed and totally overwhelmed with the encounter that with teary eyes they said “Our father came back home”.  With newly acquired vigor and renewed strength the Nikkei-jins are expected to be more united in their continued journey towards identity recognition for a progressive and brighter future. The assembly commenced at 9:30 am with the Masters of Ceremonies Mr. Felipe Hiquial and Ms. Noellyne Fernandez opening the program proper followed by a prayer led by Ms. Adelaida Panagution. The 1st… Read More »


Christmas Party 2016

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All year round Christmas party is an activity that no office can ever ignore from its calendar. This is the time for us to welcome the coming of our Lord, reminding us of His life here on earth and the joy of embracing His teachings. We have learned the joy of sharing not only during the time of happiness but sufferings where our faith is being put to test. For year 2015, our association is so blessed with the graces received through His intervention and as an indication of appreciation we honor and glorify His name for such blessings. On December 11, 2015 right after an exhaustive conference conducted by the Board of Directors deliberating on concerns and other issues affecting the operation of the office, the celebration of Christmas followed. The officials found quality time in bonding with each other and with the staff. Parlor games were held where the officers joined the games with the staff, enjoying the result of the game and cracked jokes with the players. It was one day full of fun with unselfish exchange of gifts between the members of the Board of Directors and the staff. All left the office in the state… Read More »



By Admin

  One activity in the calendar of each institution is the holding of the sports fest which everyone is looking forward with intense eagerness. Why? This is the best time to unwind. The work handled the past months and weeks must be exhausting and had with all certainty drained one’s strength more so with the graduation rites that require delicate attention. Moreover, we get to know some of our friends assigned in other work place with whom we seldom see to have even a quick chat.  Other than that, we meet new members hired to fill in vacated posts. Aiming for a strengthened relationship among PNJK Family faculty and staff, as well as  developing through fair sport competitions that shall promote the value of cooperation and unity, the activities were held on April 20 through 21, 2016 with the theme “There is no ‘I’ in a team. Teamwork makes the dream work”.   Participants in their best form played in all the games scheduled. There were four teams , identified as the eagle, bulldogs, tiger and tamaraw. All faculty and staff from the PNJK Family were equally distributed to the four teams by drawing of lots.  The members of the Board… Read More »