

By Admin


By: Suzette E. Dinglasa

My recent trip was tough and exhausting but fulfilling. We traveled to many places like Jose Abad Santos, Sta. Cruz, Baganga, and other areas where the descendants live, two to six hours drive from Davao City. We could see the difficulties of the Nisei’s life while proving they are Japanese children. Most of their witnesses were all gone but in their hearts and soul, they are already Japanese. Then, we visited Cat C 2nd gen, Antonia Akamatsu, 79 years old, daughter of a Japanese soldier, Sadaaki Akamatsu. Whenever she sees Japanese, she remembers  her father and she will  sing “Maglakaw nako padulong sa langit… “ (I will go to Heaven…). She is waiting for her father and her sister to return to the Philippines and bring her with them. Just like the other descendant, their case is difficult because of lack of witnesses and papers to show as proof but only good memories to say.



 2016 Approved Shuseki are the following members;

  • Felicitas Toyoda, Nicanor Fujikawa, Victorio Itou, Francisco Asajiro Okamoto

 Candidate for Shuseki Application are the following members;

  • Marumoto Siblings (Pacita, Roque, Estodi), Wakaizumi Siblings (Ricardo, Denzon), Prisca Takamatsu Mata, Lucio Mekaru, Oligario Nagata, Cirilo Kimura, Tohachi Tsuchiyama Tampo