
“Can Descendants Present A Rightful Claim”

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BY: KASE BERNARDO/ BERNARDO N. FERNANDEZ, SR. In my readings on the Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Murdoch University, Western Australia, 1984 by HAYASE SHINZO, I discovered many historical information’s regarding The Economic Development done by the Japanese in Davao area, City and Province. Among them are the properties owned these Japanese Developers led by OHTA KYOSABURO and FURUKAWA, YOSHIZO. On pages 384-85 of this Dissertation we found. APPENDIX 9 The following information with heading: “A LIST OF PLANTATION COMPANIES IN THE DAVAO GULF REGION JAPANESE-SHOWN ON THE MAP IN THE CIRCLES.” There were nine (9) Trading Centers of Ohta Development Co. 2. Fifteen (15) purchased plantations with total area of 8,195 hectares. 3. Fifty (50) leased plantations with a total area of 42, 926 hectares. These trading centers and plantations were established acquired between “1907-1918”, respectively. One of these plantations is, THE PANGIT PLANTATION INC., Hijo Tagum, Davao, whose owner and major stockholder is our father, KASE MANJIRO. This was incorporated on 18th of December 1916, page 358. This was granted to him by the Datu of Tagum, the uncle of our mother, ESPERANZA PANAMONGAN NAVARRO known in the community as “OGOI”. Thru her this… Read More »


“Philippine Japan And Asian Nations Sharing Culture Values Towards Asean 2015”

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  EDITORIAL        By: Rev. Bernardo Fernandez, Sr. Chairman “PHILIPPINE JAPAN AND ASIAN NATIONS SHARING CULTURE VALUES TOWARDS ASEAN 2015” The 2013, 11th year of celebration of Philippine-Japan Festival has for its theme, “Philippine-Japan and Asian Nations sharing culture values towards asean 2015.” We are venturing on this theme after Ten years of reciprocal sharing our cultural values since 2001 with century background of Philippine-Japan Relation through blood line. Historical record tells us that the first group of Japanese came to Davao in 1903 to work as Laborers on the Abaca Plantation in Tigatto Davao. Other Japanese came to work in the construction of Kennon Road. A Japanese entrepreneur by the name of Kyosaburo Ohta also came to the Philippines to venture on economic venture through agricultural development. Then series of arrival of Japanese came to join in the economic ventures, so by 1941 there were more or less 20,000 Japanese in Davao. Inter Marriage developed between Japanese and Filipino women (mostly natives) thus, a new generation known as “MESTIZO HAPON” were born known as of today, “The Nikkei Community” of Davao which organized the PNJK Family; the PNJK INC. as the umbrella organization with PNJK-IS, MKD, PNJK-MC and the Polyclinic and Diagnostic… Read More »



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                Our 34th Annual General Assembly is guided by the theme; “Cooperation and full support from members geared towards the full solidification of the Nikkei community.” We have come up to this theme after 34th year of our struggle to be back into the mainstream of society struggling in the midstream of different kinds of persecution . We lost everything; our fathers have developed for our heritage which we, the second generation had partly enjoyed. Yes our life before World War II was a blissful one. We had practically everything to enjoy in life but then everything was lost as a result of World War II. The third and following generation did not experience that blissful life of abundance. But then life continues to exist. As of the present our list of membership is 7,773. Most of these members are residing in Japan on one year or three years resident visa. Others had acquired permanent resident visa and still others has acquired Japanese Citizenship. We here in Davao are more or less one thousand. There are still others on the waiting list for legal recognition because the papers of their fathers (Koseki) cannot be located…. Read More »



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The Kaigai Nikkeijin Kyo Kai is holding its 55th Annual Convention in Tokyo Japan on 22-24 October 2014 with a theme “Nikkei Society Developing New Japanese Culture in the World.” Expected attendance are delegates/representatives from South America, North America, Hawaii, the Philippines and other countries in Asia and also from Europe. Our association, the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai (PNJK) is represented by Mrs. Ines Mallari, President of the Federation of Nikkei Jin Kai, Philippines, Mrs. Carmen C. Apigo, PNJK IS Calinan Branch School Principal, also attending is Mrs. Melissa Roales- President, Cotabato Nikkei Jin Chapter and Alvin Suemitsu who is based in Tokyo, Japan and Retired Judge Hon. Antonina B. Escovilla, Presidentof PNJK Davao chapter. “The object of the convention is to furnish opportunities to the Japanese Descendants all over the world to provide information about their countries and to discuss among themselves ways of further strengthening ties of brotherhood and solidarity while keeping in mind the significance of cultural and personal exchanges as the main theme” After the opening ceremonies, the Delegates/Representatives are divided into three groups to discuss among themselves the reports and make/present recommendation to the plenary session the following: Japanese Cultural Heritage and Development 2. Nikkei Society and business partnership and 3. Nikkei youth playing new… Read More »


“Celebrating A Dear Friend’s Homecoming”

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It is a happy occasion when friends come home— and indeed, it was a joyous day when the Philippine Nikkei-Jin Kai family had the opportunity to celebrate Uchida-Otoosan’s return to Davao. Through the concerted efforts of the different departments headed by President Antonina Escovilla, MKD and PNJK-IS President Ines Mallari, and Mr. Shuji Honda, a welcome party was organized for Otoosan. The party was held at Insular Hotel, and was attended by the faculty and administrative officers of the Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Philippine Nikkei-Jin Kai International School, Philippine Nikkei-Jin Kai Inc., as well as several of Otoosan’s second generation Nikkei-Jin friends. Lunch was filled with plenty of wonderful and heartfelt messages from people close to Otoosan. PNJK President Antonina Escovilla expressed her elation for Otoosan’s return to Davao, while both Mrs. Carmen Apigo and Mrs. Adelaida Panaguiton relayed how grateful they were for Otoosan’s generosity to the school. In response, Otoosan gave his own message. First, he expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome he’d received. Second, and as his own way of lightening the sentimental mood, he shared stories of his childhood and how he used to be friends with famous boxers. He shared that he was quite the ‘bugoy’ when he was a child, in contrast to how he is viewed by people at present. Songs were also rendered… Read More »