“Message delivered by Mrs. Panaguiton during the welcome party of Otoosan”
At first it was just a wish and a prayer that Uchida “Otoosan” will come once again to Davao after a long time of absence because of his illness and delicate condition. But suddenly, here you are in Davao in front of us, you made as so happy and once again we feel your loving presence, like a father to us who cared so much for the Davaoweños, especially Davao, your birthplace and for the Philippine Nikkei Jins, who are recipient of your benevolence. You touched so many lives …………. You cared for the orphans by your continued support and building them a house for the poor children, with the support of your loving wife the late Mrs. Ayako Uchida. You are one of the benefactors who contributed most for the welfare of the Nikkei Jins here in Davao. You helped establish our Nihongo School. 2. Sponsored many students especially the Nihongo Scholars in Japan whom you constantly give moral and financial support. 3. Initiated the yearly Recorder Ensemble and encouraged the Tokyo Kichijoji Lions Club to help support this project. 4. Helped the Nikkei Jins in promoting the educational, Nihongo Language Training Center and Baseball Cup to the Japanese people. 5. With your help, the Nippon Foundation grant… Read More »