Philippine-Japan festival is an annual activity participated in by the PNJK family composed of the mother association, the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc., the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai – International School, the Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Polyclinic and Diagnostic Center and the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Multipurpose Cooperative. The Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai International School Calinan Branch likewise joined the festival by a dance presentation rendered by the teachers in Calinan School.
Considering that PNJK-International School is on its 25th Founding Anniversary we witnessed the most elegant and luxurious gala night where all attendees were in their best form wearing bright, glittering and attractive gowns drawing oohs and wows from the audience.
Teaching and non-teaching staffs including members of the Board of Trustees were recipients of service awards. Those who attended as well became recipients of reasonable and fairsubsidy as the school management felt that all who had contributed their talents and helped lift the good image of the institution deserved to be compensated.
The celebration was a success. Majority of our partners from Japan came just to witness this celebration. JPIC group headed by its President Mr. Yoshihiro Tokumitsu was around.
Government officials found the time to be with us during the kick-off program and everyone enjoyed the various cultural presentations giving justice to this year’s theme: Philippine Japan Festival 2017: A celebration of History, Cultural Heritage and Friendship. Congratulations to all PNJK Family and to PNJK-IS as celebrating a founding anniversary with grandeur is priceless.