“PNJKMPC Hits the Ground Running”


To improve the quality of life of the members especially our Filipino Japanese descendants with limited economic opportunities is the foremost consideration when the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PNJKMPC) was established in 2006 and registered under Republic Act. 9520 on
January 28 2010.

The gist to uplift the economic status of our members, the cooperative has embarked and implemented the following programs:

ssPNJK Mini Mart

  1. On their financial needs, the Lending Program was implemented. A member can borrow the maximum amount of P100,000.00, payable within the period of 1 year, with an interest rate of 18% per annum;
  2. As component of improving the quality of life, and to answer the health and wellness of the cooperative members, operated a mini-mart and the pharmacy business respectively; and
  3. To compliment the dwelling unit worthy to be considered a home, the furniture and appliance loan was approved in 2011.

In pursuit of the cooperative primary purpose, we will establish a bakery business to be managed by the cooperative members. We also hope to pursue a manpower services to cater to the Human Resources requirements of the different entities under the umbrella of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Incorporated (PNJK INC.).

As of November 30, 2012, the Cooperative (PNJKMPC) has a total membership of 771 with total assets of P3.033M and members’ paid up share capital of P2.977M.

Our Cooperative has extended and launched program with the primary objective of alleviating the member’s economic condition. In return, what the general membership of PNJK, Inc. can do to help our cooperative. Much can be done. By becoming a member and contribute the amount of P4,000.00 as initial share capital. The general membership is urged to intensively pursue the building of saving deposits which will have an interest earning of 2% per annum. These are simple ways of sharing our concerns for the greater glory of our cooperative and the general membership as well.  The bigger challenge that awaits us is to sustain the growth of our cooperative. Your continued support and patronizing the various products of the cooperative will lead us the way we aspire for when we envision the creation of our cooperative. Be proud that we are Japanese Descendants acumen with the gift of being business minded individuals. In behalf of the officers and staff of our cooperative we have high hope we can do it. Thank you.