Tag: Assembly
37th General Assembly by: Evelyn Obuchi
As the Filipinos fondly regard May as “Flores de Mayo” and celebrate” Santa Cruzan” with beautiful Reyna Elenas’ parading the barangay streets , the Philippine Nikkei Jin from Davao, neighboring cities and provinces celebrate their annual reunion. PNJK conducts its General Assembly every 2nd Sunday of May. On May 14, 2017 at 9:30 in the morning, about one hundred twenty one (121) Nikkei Jin from Chapters of Tagum, Davao, Toril, Calinan, Digos and Kidapawan gathered at PNJK-IS gym to attend the 37th Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai,
Inc. General Assembly.
This year’s theme is: “Nikkei Jin Padayon sa Pag-uswag” whichmeans continuous progress.
The assembly commenced at 9:30 am with the Masters of Ceremony Mr. Felipe Hiquial opening the program proper followed by a prayer led by Ms. Adelaida Panagution offering moment of silence and prayers for the departed souls of the pillars of the association like the late Uchida Otousan, Rev. Fernandez,Gloria Okazono . The 1st Vice President Rodrigo Suemitsu acknowledged the participants and welcomed by Ms. Ines Mallari the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Ms. Mallari welcomed and thanked the members and supporters of PNJK.
Business Proper followed afterwards with Ms. Carmen Apigoreading the last year’s minutes of the meeting. Among the important agenda last year were the meeting of the 2nd generation Philippine Nikkei Jin with their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan, 9th National Convention of Philippine Nikkei Jin and Shin Nikkei Jin as members of the association.
The President, Ret. Judge Antonina Escovilla reported on the PNJK, Inc. accomplishments. The consolidated report zeroed in on the different activities and accomplishments of the association like the interview of Cat. C Nikkei jin: Marumoto , Arakaki, Yoshimura, Nagata and Takumi families by MOFA headed by Consul Susumu Tsuda on May 23, 2016. The Testimonial/Memorial Service of the late Tatsuo Uchida on July 7, 2016. On August 13, 2016 celebrated Ireisai with Consul Ono. Human Relationship Seminar conducted by a Mr. Kazuaki Ishibashi a lecturer from Japan Creative Education Institute, Osaka on October 10, 2016 and from the 23rd to 27th day of the same month, Ret. Judge Antonina Escovilla, Ms. Ines Mallari, Ms. Carmen Apigo and Ms. Anita Iwamoto attended the 57th Convention of Nikkei Jin and Japanese Abroad. The Rengokai President Ines Mallari reported on the educational program of PNJK-IS. The participants of the convention had the privileged of meeting their Royal Highness Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko. JPIC President Yoshihiro Tokumitsu was also in attendance. On November 11, 2016 the participants of the Rengokai General Assembly were invited by Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Kazuhide Ishikawa for a dinner at his official residence in Makati City.
The opening salvo and most memorable event for 2017 was the visit of HE Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Madam Akie of Japan at PNJK Compound on January 13, 2017.
PNJK-IS Calinan Campus is already on its 10th year of operation. The school’s future plan is to construct another building in addition to its already existing 10 buildings.
Padayon sa Pag-uswag
PNJK-IS Main Campus and Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku total number of students was 1,345 students and the total no. of graduates- 83 students. The most important accomplishment was the PAASCU LEVEL II Accreditation.
PNJK Multi- Purpose Cooperative has as total regular members of 1,193 for 2016 as compared to 2015 with only 1,084 members. Services offered by the Coop are Lending; LAMP (Loan Assistance to Members Program); Rice Trading; E-Load and Beauty Salon.
PNJK Polyclinic and Diagnostic Center: new equipment purchased was the Hematology machine. Laboratory services are: CBC, Blood Chem, Hepa test, drug testing, ECG, X-ray and Ultrasound.
Treasurer’s Consolidated Report succeeded the President’s Report. Ms. Anita Iwamoto reported first the PNJK, Inc. Financial Report followed by the PNJK-IS and Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku Consolidated Statement of Financial Position and lastly, the Multi- Purpose Cooperative Financial Report.
The JPIC Coordinator Ms. Eve Obuchi read the JPIC President’s message in behalf of Mr. Yoshihiro Tokumitsu. He congratulated PNJK on its 37th General Assembly and advised the members to remain loyal and supportive to the activities of PNJK as well as to choose the leaders wisely.
Ms. Eve reported on the JPIC up-dates: JPIC has 27 active members; JPIC will hold its election of officers on July 2, 2017; JPIC will continue to support PNLSC, Federation of Nikkei Jin Kai (Rengokai), Phils., PNJK, Nippi, Iloilo/Panay Nikkei jin Kai , Zamboanga Nikkei Jin Kai and JPIC Scholarship Grant.
After all the reports were delivered a Group picture was taken of all the Nisei. No election took place as there were only 11candidates present. The 11 candidates were unanimously declared PNJK officers for 2017- 2019.
The PNJK 2017-2019 PNJK officers are:
Ms. Ines Mallari
Ret. Judge Antonina Escovilla
Mr. Rodrigo Suemitsu
Mr. Juseven Austero
Ms. Carmen Apigo
Ms. Anita Iwamoto
Ms. Elizabeth Tagud
Mr. Felipe Hiquial
Ms. Noellyn Fernandez
Ms. Ellen Ocharon
Mrs. Adelaida Panaguiton
Community Singing of Furusato followed by Sekai Wa Semai and a fellowship lunch ended the 37th General Assembly.
36th General Assembly
34th General Assembly Election and Araw ng Nikkei Jin By: Emiko Escovilla
Last May 10, 2015 the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Inc. held its 35th Araw ng Nikkei Jin at the PNJK-IS Gym with the theme “Achievement of the goals of the association through the concerted and sincere efforts of the members and valuable support from the Japanese Society”. It was a whole-day event where over two hundred Nikkei Jins from different chapters gathered to be apprised of the organization’s progress and achievement over the year 2014, as well as elect new members of the Board of Directors.
The program was jumpstarted with an acknowledgment of the participants and a welcome message. Congratulatory messages from the Director of the Consular Office of Japan in Davao, Hon. Consul Tomoko Dodo; the former President of the Japan-Philippines Volunteer Association, Mr. Masataka Ajiro; the President of the Japan-Philippine Industry Council; and the President of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Rengokai, Mrs. Ines P. Mallari.
Afterwards, reports from the different institutions under the umbrella of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Inc. were given by the competent officers responsible for each department. The reports covered the reading of last year’s minutes, the President’s report, as well as financial reports from the PNJK Inc., PNJK Polyclinic & Diagnostic Center, PNJK-IS Calinan, the Japan-Philippine Industry Council and the PNJK Cooperative.
After the reports, photos were taken with the Second Generation of the Nikkei Jins, who were also given tokens as an appreciation for their attendance. Before breaking to lunch, the elections were conducted.
A plenary session was held in the afternoon to entertain questions from the Nikkei Jins. Intermission numbers were presented as well, and the Nikkei Jins participated in the games prepared by the organizers. A raffle draw was had, and prizes were given to the winning member.
The newly-elected board members were announced and inducted that afternoon. The Board of Directors for the years 2015-2017 are as follows:
Chairman: Ines Mallari Treasurer: Anita P. Iwamoto
President: Ret. Judge Antonina B. Escovilla Auditor: Elizabeth M. Tagud
First Vice President: Rodrigo M. Suemitsu P.I.O: Nelma N. Adachi
Second Vice President: Juseven S. Austero Director: Felipe C. Hiquial, Jr.
Secretary: Carmen C. Apigo Director: Adelaida S. Panaguiton
Asst. Secretary: Noellyne R. Fernandez
PNJK Inc, PNJK IS and MKD Family
The Sportsfest is the most awaited event for us employees. This event is participated in by PNJK Inc., PNJK IS, PNJK Polyclinic and MKD family. Each Team is named after colors. The colors consist of (4) four namely; Blue Team, Red Team, Yellow Team and Green Team. Membership in the team is done by draw lots.
Every year, we have different organizers. This year’s Sportsfest was organized by the PNJK IS family, headed by Mr. Jun Velasco, the Elementary Department Head, with active participation of Mrs. Ruelyn Bobilies, a building and ground Supervisor. The attendance was strictly monitored.
The first day of Sportsfest began with an opening prayer and was formally declared by Mr. Rodrigo Suemitsu, a PNJK Board of Director, with the participants declaring their oath of sportsmanship. Thereafter the Torch Relay was witnessed where each team was represented.
The events on the first day were Banner Raising, Mass Demonstration performed by not less than 25 participants, Modern Dance performed by 5 participants, Singing contest solo and duet, and Parlor Games played by 10 participants. The organizer introduced the new contest, Zumba which was performed by 3 entities PNJK INC, PNJK IS and MKD family.
There were individual games such as scrabble, word factory, dart, chess, table tennis and badminton, all played for men and women. The mind games, scrabble and word factory can be played by both the young and old generations.
There are Group game sports such as Basketball for men and volleyball for women. To replace the slot for Softball, the organizer introduced the new game Basketball for women. It is fun, but to us women the ball game is so tiring and dangerous for injuries.
The sportsfest ended with excitement. Everyone was guessing who will be the Champion. Before the declaration of the winners, a fellowship lunch was held at PNJK IS Gym. It is noticeable that the table cloth of each team matches the shirt of each team. There were intermission numbers rendered by the winners of the singing contest and dance contest. The final declaration of winners were as follows: the overall champion of the Sportsfest is the Red Team, followed by the Green Team , 3rd place the Blue Team and 4th place the Yellow Team.
To the participants who exerted much effort to their team, congratulations. This is one way of developing our capacity on time management. Our sportsfest is for fun and camaraderie; winning is the secondary goal, participating and supporting our team is the main goal.
“General Assembly Report” By: Ret. Judge Antonina B. Escovilla
January 15, 2013 Minister Keizo Takekawa, Head of the Political Section of the Embassy of Japan based in Manila visited PNJK compound. He was accompanied by the former Deputy Director and Consul Hon. Kazuhiko Anzai and the current Director and Consul Koichi Ibara, Japanese Consulate Office in Davao City;
February 17, 2013 was the General Assembly of PNJK Multipurpose Cooperative. Elected Board Members are: Mr. Rodrigo M. Suemitsu – Chairman (Certified Public Accountant), Juseven T. Austero – Vice Chairman, Mrs. Ines P. Mallari, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Tagud and Mr. Felipe C. Hiquial, Jr. as Directors;
February 23, 2013 – PNJK Inc. and JPIC joint meeting held at MKD Audio Visual Room. Present: Hideo Ito – President, Chokichi Hoshi, Vice President and officers Shinobu Murakami, Yoshihiro Tokumitsu and others;
May 16, 2013 was the 33rd PNJK General Assembly and election. Officers: Chairman – Rev. Bernardo N. Fernandez, Sr., Ret. Judge Antonina B. Escovilla – President, Mrs. Ines P. Mallari – 1st Vice President, Juseven Austero – 2nd Vice President, Corporate Secretary Nelma N. Adachi, Asst. Corporate Secretary Carmen C. Apigo, Treasurer Anita P. Iwamoto, Auditor Rodrigo M. Suemitsu, P.I.O Elizabeth Tagud, Felipe C. Hiquial, Jr. and Adelaida S. Panaguiton as Directors. Oathtaking was before Hon. Koichi Ibara. We discussed and currently implementing the Mortuary Aide Program. This was disseminated to all members who were not in attendance during the General Assembly and those who are in Japan.
July 28, 2013 the Okinawa group headed by Mr. Gentaru Nakamura about 80 of them visited Davao City. Some PNJK Officials joined the Iresai at Mintal Cemetery, Wireless Public Cemetery, Tamugan Shrine and Lubogan Public Cemetery.
August 15, 2013 is the yearly Ireisai, the event was jointly sponsored by PNJK Inc. and the Consulate Office of Japan in Davao. Most of the Japanese residing in Davao participated in the floral offering.
September 17, 2013 the second PNJK Inc. and JPIC joint meeting. Reports regarding descendants who are doing well in Japan were heard including those who left the company. Financial reports were likewise discussed.
September 25, 2013 – Met Mr. Inomata and Atty. Zuniega with Mrs. Obuchi, Federation President Ines P. Mallari and PNJK President on legal concern such as the issuance of passports and travel documents.
October 2 to 5 2013 was our yearly Philippine Japan Festival. Ambassador Toshinao Urabe graced such occasion and took time to give lecture to the college students as well as students from universities and colleges in Davao City. The Consuls from Malaysia and Indonesia likewise attended the affair. Cultural lessons like ikebana, tea ceremony, wearing of kimono, use of Chopsticks, sumo and karate demonstrations were part of the celebration as well musical and cultural dances. Japanese speech contest participated in by contestants from other schools was held.
During that occasion our college was a recipient of certificate of Commendation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister Fumio Kishida that was handed to MKD President Ines P. Mallari by His Excellency Ambassador Toshinao Urabe for promoting Japanese Language in Davao City.
October 5, 2013 – Kichijoji Lions Club Officials came and supported our Ensemble Recorder Competition headed by former Presidents Kiyohito Takigawa and Atty. Hideshige Aoki.
October 18 to 26, 2013 The Federation President Ines P. Mallari and PNJK Inc. President Antonina B. Escovilla visited Kagoshima, Shizuoka, Sendai, Fukushima and Tokyo to check and monitor the members of our association. Our members were encouraged to organize themselves so that they can be as strong as the Peruvians and Brazilians who are given a slot during the Kigyo kyokai Tai to present their accomplishment. If our descendants would be able to group themselves they can convey to the Japanese government their sentiments, appeals of whatever nature not only to be recognized as Japanese descendants but enjoy privileges which pure Japanese are enjoying.
October 27, 2013 in Davao City, we met the President of Nippon Foundation, Mr. Takeju Ogata who was responsible in giving the association the grant that paved the way to the erection of the Polyclinic building. All our colleagues in the Board were around to meet President Ogata despite the fact that it was a Holiday, being Barangay Election. Reports were presented to him as to the progress of the laboratory services, the list of occupants of the building, the number of patients that availed of the medical services as well as financial reports.
November 03, 2013 PNJK officials attended the 10th Anniversary of Philippine Nikkei Jin Legal Support Center. Present were some lawyers from Japan who handled our shuseki petitions filed before the Family Court in Japan. On that occasion, the Federation and PNJK handed plaques of appreciation to lawyers who appeared before the Family Court. On record from 2004 to the present we have 31 approved shuseki petitions including upgrading of families from Cat. B to Cat. A. Part of the 31 are two Miyata Ushita families from San Carlos, Cebu.
November 12, 2013 Mr. Akira Shibasaki and Kazuaki Nakada of the R & D Japanese Research Company commissioned by the Nippon Foundation came to conduct research on the descendants whose shuseki petitions were approved as well as inquiring as to the number of descendants who are members of the association, their whereabouts as well as records of those due for shuseki petitions.
Appeal to all: Remain loyal to the association. Cooperate in all activities and take note of your responsibilities to the association. Continue your patronage as the success of the association is the success of everyone. Thank you.