“Philippine-Japan Festival”

Philippine-Japan Festival

By: Ret. Judge Antonina B. Escovilla

PNJK President

For an event as important as the Philippine-Japan Festival everybody was ushered to the Conference Room of PNJK Inc. to discuss the activities to be held from October 1 to 5, 2013. The meeting was presided by our energetic and able PNJK 1st Vice President Ines P. Mallari, our current MKD President and at the same time the President of the Federation of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai. Various committees were created, headed by responsible teaching staff of both MKD and PNJK-IS. Staff from other entities under the umbrella of PNJK Inc. were likewise given their assignments.

After holding three meetings, and satisfied with the reports given by each committee head, the activities that the public would witness came to their final stage. The scheduled activities were as follows:

October 01, 2013 Free Medical Clinic and Blood Letting under the supervision of Mrs. Anita P. Iwamoto, Managing Director of the PNJK Polyclinic and Diagnostic Center.

October 02, 2013 from 8:30 to 9:00 in the morning and armed with the necessary permit was the Motorcade cruising along PNJK-Bajada-Quirino and back to PNJK compound. A number of parents of students of PNJK-IS happily joined the motorcade.

After the motorcade the Kick-off Program and Awarding Ceremony was held at the PNJK-IS Gym.

Fellowship lunch for the invited guests, officials, faculty and staff was held at the MKD Sky Gym.

Thereafter, our special guest in the person of the Ambassador Toshinao Urabe, Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines, lectured on the Philippine-Japan Relations and the venue was the MKD AVR. Students of MKD in attendance were so eager and interested in listening to a very informative lecture as it would enhance their knowledge relevant to the chosen career the International Studies.

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Eigasai and Filipino Movie Festival were shown to students not only of the College but to all levels of the PNJK-IS.  The general public enjoyed watching the Nihongo and Tagalog Singing Contest held at PNJK-IS Gym. Filipino students participated in Nihongo Singing Contest while Foreign Students were tasked to sing Tagalog songs.

October 03, 2013 we continued showing the Eigasai and Filipino Movie to students from the Elementary, High School and College Department. In the same day, Japanese and Filipino Cultural Lessons were held. There were Academic and Cultural Competitions as well participated in by students from the Elementary and High School Levels.

October 04, 2013 was the Nihongo Speech and Balak Contest. Participants from other schools and colleges joined the contest. There were Karate demonstration and Sumo Competition.

The awarding ceremony took place thereafter, followed by the most colorful event the Bon Odori. Everybody joined the evening affair, wearing kimono, yukata and hapi, dancing as a group to the tune of lively Japanese songs.

On October 05, 2013 the Recorder Ensemble Competition was held at the PNJK-IS Calinan Branch where officers and members of the Kichijoji Lions Club were in attendance. School bags from Japan were distributed by the Lions Club members to participants of the Recorder Ensemble. Students from various public and private schools were beneficiaries of these bags. By its appearance the bags were made of quality material and durable in character.

In the end, all those who have given their time, sacrifice and labors were satisfied with the result of the events. They can truly say that the celebration of the Philippine-Japan Festival was a great success.  A great number of viewers and participants went home with contentment and joy.