“The PNJKIS FACULTY & STAFF holds Spiritual Enhancement”

The PNJKIS FACULTY & STAFF holds Spiritual Enhancement

By: Mr. Rodrigo B. Velasco, Jr. Elementary head,PNJKI

Teachers really need a break and after a hard day’s work, a good rest and a good bonding moment with colleagues is a welcome treat sans the lesson plans, school paper works, and other related school activities.


Last October 29 – 30, 2013, the faculty and staff of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai International School had their much- needed break and ecumenical retreat. It was held at Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Catalunan Grande, Davao City. The place is so peaceful that is really conducive for the scheduled activities. The place is so green because of the beautiful plants and garden that make it so refreshing to the eyes. The female teachers and staff were housed at the big rooms on the second floor while the male teachers and staff were at the first floor.

The two-day affair made them closer to each other because they had more moments without the usual hassles of their school work  and most of all for the spiritual enhancement making them closer to God.

The speaker, Brother Paul H. Andoy, SC, stressed about the power of prayer. Prayer can really help us because we could communicate with our Creator through it. We sang songs of praises that benefitted our souls. We also watched inspiring videos that lifted our spirits and enabling us to mind not only ourselves but also think of others. Series of activities were done and the creativity of each group presented to the enjoyment and amazement of everybody.  Truly, the PNJKIS community is a group of talented and creative people.

We would like to thank, the School officials for their support, the Department Heads, the Guidance counselors of Elementary and High School who spearheaded the activity, and the Faculty and staff. We would also like to thank the staff of the place and the delicious food that they served.

And most of all, we give praises to our Almighty God who always guide and protect us. And along with the tag line, TAYO AY MAY GAWAIN, TAYO AY MAY MISYON, we were inspired not only to touch the lives of our students but to extend it to everyone.

Faculty and Staff in the Ecumenical Retreat 2013 held at Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Catalunan Grande, Davao City.