
Philippine-Japan Festival

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Philippine-Japan festival is an annual activity participated in by the PNJK family composed of the mother association, the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc., the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai – International School, the Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Polyclinic and Diagnostic Center and the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Multipurpose Cooperative. The Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai International School Calinan Branch likewise joined the festival by a dance presentation rendered by the teachers in Calinan School.

Considering that PNJK-International School is on its 25th Founding Anniversary we witnessed the most elegant and luxurious gala night where all attendees were in their best form wearing bright, glittering and attractive gowns drawing oohs and wows from the audience.

Teaching and non-teaching staffs including members of the Board of Trustees were recipients of service awards. Those who attended as well became recipients of reasonable and fairsubsidy as the school management felt that all who had contributed their talents and helped lift the good image of the institution deserved to be compensated.

The celebration was a success. Majority of our partners from Japan came just to witness this celebration. JPIC group headed by its President Mr. Yoshihiro Tokumitsu was around.

Government officials found the time to be with us during the kick-off program and everyone enjoyed the various cultural presentations giving justice to this year’s theme: Philippine Japan Festival 2017: A celebration of History, Cultural Heritage and Friendship. Congratulations to all PNJK Family and to PNJK-IS as celebrating a founding anniversary with grandeur is priceless.



Visit of Mikio Shimoji

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September 19, 2017, a team of officials from Okinawa Prefecture headed by Congressman Mikio Shimoji visited the PNJK Compound. More than a thousand students welcomed the arrival of the visiting group with the officials from the PNJK Family at the forefront. Mr. Shimjo was so pleased to see the group of students singing Small World and We Welcome You as they waved flaglets of the two countries, Japan and the Philippines. The Kapariz members showcased their impressive hand-mine presentation generating a round of applause from the visiting group.
After a brief program, the visitors left the gym and along the way, Mr. Shimoji shook hands with almost all of the students. From the gym the visiting team accompanied by PNJK Family officials proceeded to MKD building where they observed an ongoing Nihongo class under Prof. Hashimoto. Students took part in the recitation using the Japanese Language. The visitors were so surprised with what they heard—all students were so articulate in the Nihongo Language. Thereafter, an exchange of views
followed at MKD AVR where Mr. Shimoji laid down the very purpose of his visit including that of his party composed of businessmen who own construction companies and other big enterprises in Okinawa. There would be frequent communication in relation to the intention of forging an agreement or undertaking with PNJK Family in order to assist students and other interested persons willing to work in Japan.
With the conclusion of the meeting, the visitors left and proceeded to other places in Davao City. Other than the impressive performance of the students at PNJK Compound, the group was mesmerized with the beauty of the city, the peace and order condition and high rising buildings indicative of development and progress.


10th National Convention

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The Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Rengokai in coordination with the Philippine Nikkei Legal Support Center and the generous financial assistance from The Nippon foundation held its 10th National Convention on November 4, 2017, at Pan Pacific Manila.
High ranking Japanese officials showed their complete support to the activity of Rengokai as their presence was visible. An inspirational message was delivered by HE Ambassador Koji Haneda followed by the reading of the congratulatory message from Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The Nippon Foundation. The President of the Japan Industry Council Mr. Yoshihiro Tokumitsu who flew all the way from Japan likewise congratulated the officials of the Rengokai for the successful gathering of almost all members from the different chapters to one venue for its annual convention and jointly celebrate the approval of 209 shuseki petitions. Around were Minister/Consul General Atsushi Kuwabara, Counselor/Chief Consul Toshio Kawauchi, and Executive Director Ichiro Kabasawa of The Nippon Foundation.


          Part of the activity was a panel discussion facilitated by Atty. Joshua Zuniega with Panelists headed by Atty. Hiroyuki Kawai, PNLSC Chairman with his law associates and the rest of the PNLSC staffs based in Japan and in Manila. We likewise heard the short message delivered by Miss. Ikuko Okubo, Project Coordinator, International Program Team, Social Innovation Program Division of The Nippon Foundation.
In attendance were abled 2nd generations from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Most of those who came were beneficiaries of the shuseki petitions that generated favorable judgment. For those who could not make it by way of video presentation they took the effort of expressing their deep appreciation to Atty. Kawai for the legal assistance extended on top of the orientation rendered by their respective chapters that handled the documentation of the needed papers for submission to PNLSC. Two law associates of Atty. Kawai likewise attended the convention and they were Atty. Kenji Mochizuki and Atty. Shinji Hino.



On said occasion, the former JPIC President Hideo Ito found time in participating2 the activity of the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Rengokai. It was a great sight to witness the active participation of the officials of the Manila Nippi Chapter with Mr. Stephen Quirico Buni at the helm by distributing door prizes to lucky Nisei numbering to more or less 100. The event was a great success. Kudos to our Rengokai President Mr. Ines P. Mallari as this convention would not have realized if the leader is not as effective and dynamic as exuded by her during her four year term.


HE Kazuhide Ishikawa

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till we

KazuhideMKD President Ines P. Mallari and PNJK Inc. Davao City Chapter President were privileged to have been invited to the Farewell Party hosted in honor of  HE Ambassador Kazuhide Ishikawa whose term has expired on September 29, 2017. The reception was held at the Ambassador’s Residence at Forbes Park, Makati. Majority of the cabinet members of our new administration was present. As an organization, we are saddened by his departure, as Ambassador Ishikawa had accomplished so much for the good of the Category C descendants not only here in Davao City but through out the Philippines. It was he who insisted that the visit of His Excellency Prime Minister Shinzo Abe here in Davao City should include MKD and PNJK Inc. Compound. We thanked him for such kind gesture as we were the only group, the association, the high school and college students, privileged and honored to see in person a very high ranking Japanese official and an honorable man.

rising sun

On July 8, 2017, at Marco Polo Plaza, Cebu, Mr. Ben Onari, the First President of the Federation of the Philippine Nikkei Jin, Inc. was conferred the prestigioussd award “The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette” by the Emperor of Japan. The conferment was done by HE Japanese Ambassador Kazuhide Ishikawa. Present during the ceremony were the family of the awardee Mr. Onari, officials and members of the Cebu Nikkei Chapter, local government officials in Cebu, the Consul in Cebu and from Manila. The incumbent President of the Federation Ines P. Mallari together with the PNJK Davao City Chapter attended the awarding ceremony upon invitation of HE Ambassador Kazuhide Ishikawa. We congratulate Mr. Onari for such deserving award. Omedeto.


A visitor from The Nippon Foundation

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a visit1On July 2, 2017, the organization was fortunate to have Ms. Fumiko Nakai, Deputy Director, Project Management Division, Japanese Heritage Language Center, The Association of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad, visit Davao City. From Manila where she delivered a lecture in a gathering of Japanese-Filipino descendants, she flew to Davao City accompanied by MKD President and College

Administrator Mrs. Ines P. Mallari. Among those who welcomed her were Ms. Jalee Tagud, currently employed with the Consular Office of Japan in Davao City, her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Tagud, and PNJK President Ret. Judge Antonina
B. Escovilla who was with her staff.

Ms. Nakai was introduced to several places in the city, including Samal Island, the Mintal Public Cemetery, the Philippine-Japan Museum, and of course the PNJK Compound.

A visit

At Samal, she was impressed with the beauty of the island, particularly its white beaches and the various fruits that were served to the tourists. Thereafter, Ms. Nakai was ushered to PNJK Compound. She toured the area, viewed various
classrooms in both the college and high school building, including the gym where a lot of school children were taking lunch. She next visited the Mintal Public Cemetery, followed by the Philippine-Japan Museum located in Calinan where Angel Guimbaan explained the various artifacts therein displayed. Ms. Nakai likewise went to the school building in Calinan. She expressed her amazement at
how the schools were being run by Japanese- Filipino descendants, as well as at how PNJK progressed from the recognition of descendants to opening schools which catered to the general public.

Unfortunately time flew us by—and it was not long before we had to part ways. With the promise that she would return, Ms. Nakai flew back to Manila the following day. The PNJK family looks forward to having her again.