Evelyn W. Obuchi

JPIC Coordinator

                Y-2013 an eventful year indeed for Japan Philippine Industry Council (JPIC). The association started the year with a successful and fruitful JPIC/PNJK Joint Board Meeting on February 23 at MKD Multi-Purpose Hall, PNJK Compound, Davao City. On the same date, JPIC in cooperation with PNJK Multi-Purpose Cooperative sponsored a Bread-Making Demonstration with a successful Japanese baker Mr. Masanori Hashimoto and was attended by PNJK Board of Directors, PNJK-IS teachers and PHINOY members. The objective of the activity is to teach the participants on Japanese bread-making using local ingredients for their future livelihood project.

                        With the economic situation of Japan getting better and stable, JPIC was able to sponsor an impressive figure of 84 descendants from PNJK for a study tour in Japan  as early as the 2nd quarter of the year.

            On May 18 & 19, the Vice President of JPIC Mr. Chokichi Hoshi representing Mr. Hideo Ito JPIC President attended the General Assembly of The Federation of Nikkei Jin Kai. Philippines and Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc. Mr. Ito said that descendants play a very important role in linking the two countries and have a duty to see to it that all Nikkei Jin organizations operate in democracy and transparency in governance. The economic situation and strength of Japan and Philippines have greatly changed since the time when Federation of Nikkei Jin Kai was established. Objective, rules and regulations also have changed so descendants must strive harder to establish a strong Nikkei society with highly motivated descendants with dignity and pride.

            Another momentous event for JPIC was the September 12, JPIC Soukai. JPIC held its convention at PNJK, Davao City. The 2013-2014 JPIC officers are as follows:

President:    Mr. Hideo Ito

Vice President (Higashi):           

Mr. Chokichi Hoshi

Vice President (Nishi):   

Mr. Yoshihiro Tokumitsu

Directors:    Mr. Masaaki Hanzawa

                        Mr. Toshiji Kawagishi

                        Mr. Takao Shironaka

Advisers:      Mr. Akira Sekino

                        Mr. Shinobu Murakami

                        Mr. Hirokazu Mori

On the same date, the 2nd JPIC/PNJK Joint Board Meeting took place.

JPIC headed by Mr. Hideo Ito attended the 110th Anniversary of the Construction of Kennon Road in Baguio City on September 15.

JPIC member companies were honored with the visit in Japan of the Federation of Nikkei Jin Kai Philippines President Ines Mallari and Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai, Inc. President Antonina Escovilla on October 18-25. They had courtesy call with the different JPIC member companies’ presidents and conducted meetings and consultations with the descendants from PNJK. The main objective of the visit is to encourage the descendants in Japan to organize and establish a Japan-based Philippine Nikkei Jin association to be able to have a strong representation during the Kai Gai Nikkei Jin Tai Kai in Tokyo. The visitation of Escovilla Kaichou and Mallari Kaichou brought smiles on the faces of the member descendants and gave them renewed vigor and inspiration to go on working harder and trying to achieve a higher standard of living and be competitive globally.

            JPIC is not only focus on helping, assisting and sponsoring the descendants but also dedicated in humanitarian activities like extending scholarship grants, supporting orphanage and victims of nature’s calamities.

            Rest assured, JPIC will continue supporting all such endeavors now and onwards.