10th National Convention
The Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Rengokai in coordination with the Philippine Nikkei Legal Support Center and the generous financial assistance from The Nippon foundation held its 10th National Convention on November 4, 2017, at Pan Pacific Manila. High ranking Japanese officials showed their complete support to the activity of Rengokai as their presence was visible. An inspirational message was delivered by HE Ambassador Koji Haneda followed by the reading of the congratulatory message from Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The Nippon Foundation. The President of the Japan Industry Council Mr. Yoshihiro Tokumitsu who flew all the way from Japan likewise congratulated the officials of the Rengokai for the successful gathering of almost all members from the different chapters to one venue for its annual convention and jointly celebrate the approval of 209 shuseki petitions. Around were Minister/Consul General Atsushi Kuwabara, Counselor/Chief Consul Toshio Kawauchi, and Executive Director Ichiro Kabasawa of The Nippon Foundation. Part of the activity was a panel discussion facilitated by Atty. Joshua Zuniega with Panelists headed by Atty. Hiroyuki Kawai, PNLSC Chairman with his law associates and the rest of the PNLSC staffs based in Japan and in Manila. We likewise… Read More »