“Glimpse from the High School Department”
by: Lucia D. Josol High School Department Head The High School Department is confronted with a very challenging season as the K to 12 curriculums gradually unfolds. We have now 1st year level coined as Grade 7 and the 2nd year level as Grade 8. Several changes are taking place most especially in the grading system because the grade/year levels like Grade 1, 2, 7 and 8 will now have letter-grade such as follows: Advanced (A+) 95% and above Advanced (A) 90% – 94% Proficient (P) 85% – 89% Approaching Proficiency (AP) 80% – 84% Developing (D) 75% – 79% Beginning (B) 74% and below For a country like the Philippines we need to level up in the area of education so we can compete globally. Not everybody has the full grasp of this new curriculum but we in the academe are trying our best to bring the message of change to our students and parents. This year the High School Department is blessed with 547 students, 141 of which are graduating. On June 20 to… Read More »