
Davao-Okinawa Friendship Tour

By Admin

33Every year, Japanese nationals from Okinawa Prefecture pay homage to their deceased relatives and friends buried in Davao. This year the large group of 53 arrived in the city on July 21, 2017, to fulfill their annual commitment.

They first visited the Tamugan Shrine, offering wreaths and prayers for the souls of those buried thereat. The Tamugan Shrine monument was erected by and in behalf of those who had been born in Davao, and whose kin died and were buried in the Tamugan Area.

After visiting Tamugan, the group passed by the Philippine–Japan Museum located at the Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai International School, Calinan Branch. One
visitor named Taboru recalled his English Teacher Mrs. De Lara, whose picture is posted in the museum.

From Calinan School the group moved on to the Mintal Public Cemetery, and then finally to Lubogan, where they likewise offered their prayers. A small dinner party was held at Waterfront Insular Hotel to culminate the group’s meaningful trip.

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